
Post of Speaker will return to PDM, political analyst


The post of Head of Parliament can return to the Democratic Party (PDM) and Dumitru Diacov and Igor Corman will be the main candidates for it. Offering this post may be one of the conditions that the PDM will impose for negotiating the creation of a new parliamentary majority, political analyst Anatol Taranu said in the program “Fabrika” on PublikaTV channel, IPN reports.

According to Anatol Taranu, it is rather improbable that Marian Lupu will be voted in again as Speaker so that there will be a harsh battle for this post. “I think the candidates will be Diacov and Corman. They represent two wings of the PDM. The PLDM would prefer Diacov as he is more flexible, while Corman is associated more with the group of Plahotniuc. Thus, the PLDM will negotiate this aspect,” said the political analyst.

Anatol Taranu also said that the PLDM and PDM want to avoid the early parliamentary elections. The PLDM is not ready and loses rating, according to polls, but the early elections are not fatal for it. The PDM is in a more serious situation as its image is mainly associated with the image of one of its informal leaders.

In the same connection, political analyst Victor Gurau said the PDM received severe blows as a result of the joint votes of April 18 and May 3 and will thus seek damages for this. “Splits are possible inside the PLDM as not everyone is satisfied with the fielding of Leanca. There are different camps. The group of businessman Furdui has its own view, while the bureaucratic group led by the Palihovici husband and wife has another view. Therefore, not everything is perfect,” stated Victor Gurau.