
Possible military conflict in Transnistria overlooked by drafters of National Security Strategy, expert


In the event of a military aggression that would aim to occupy the few settlements located in the Transnistrian region but still controlled by Chisinau, the Moldovan authorities would be taken aback, because the National Security Strategy, as it is currently drafted, does not provide solutions to deal with such situations, says Dumitru Manzarari, associate researcher at the Chisinau-based think-tank IDIS Viitorul. “In my opinion, the strategy fails to provide the government with instruments to react in the event of a war in Transnistria”, said Dumitru Manzarari at a roundtable held to debate the document. The expert thinks Moldova's Security Strategy suffers from the same shortcomings as the older document adopted in 1995. “In essence, the strategy hasn't changed a bit. I mean, it is based on the same shaky pillars – neutrality and international law – to protect its security. However, the conflict in Georgia demonstrated that the international law is not an efficient instrument to guarantee the security of a state. And neutrality has its costs. Can Moldova really afford to spend big money on its army and refuse the help of some potential allies?”, said Dumitru Manzarari. The draft National Security Strategy was published on 31 December 2008, amid prolonged winter holidays. Moldovan citizens have been given less than three weeks to send their suggestions and comments on the draft of this crucial document to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, with a deadline set to expire on Monday, January 19.