
Portion of 31 august 1989 St could become pedestrian area


A portion of the street 31 august 1989, located in central Chisinau, could become pedestrian area. The vehicles could be redirected to Bucuresti St, to the lane that is now used only by public transport, deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu said in a news conference at IPN, where a national contest was announced to choose the best spatial-urban design for two areas of the capital city.

The deputy mayor stated the Great National Assembly Square could also become pedestrian that in the future. “Afterward, when a part of the Byk River is transformed into a recreational area with different services and offices, one of the pedestrian areas of the city will be completed,” said Nistor Grozavu, noting that pedestrian areas must be also created in other parts of Chisinau, including in the new quarters.

As to the contest for architects, the deputy mayor said that the two winners of the contest, after making fact-finding visits to France, will return to Moldova and will be able to implement more large-scale projects.

According to Jeremie Petit, first councilor of the Embassy of France which is one of the organizers of the contest, the projects that will take part in the contest for the best spatial-urban design for the protected area situated on 31 august 1989 St between the streets Maria Cebotari and Alexandru Pushkin and the unprotected area near Renasterii Blvd and the Circus must take into account the existent patrimony and must reflect all the aspects of sustainable development.

“When we speak about an urban project, we must take into consideration a number of areas such as transport and the green patrimony and this must hold touristic and economic interest. There are many good architectural projects, but these do not form part of a particular context,” stated Jeremie Petit.

Director of the Agency for Monument Inspection and Restoration Ion Stefanita said that through the agency of the projects, the central area where there is the whole tourism infrastructure of the historical nucleus will be put to good use. “There are the National Museum of History, the National Museum of Arts of Moldova, the National Library, the National Palace and many other facilities that are historical and architectural monuments that will be promoted through this pedestrian area,” he stated.

The contest’s goal is to pave the way for an architectural-urban project that will create a representative infrastructure to promote important historical monuments of Chisinau. The results of the contest will be presented within an exhibition at the National Museum of History.