
Population aging in Moldova intensifies


More than one third of Moldova's population will be aged over 60 and in retirement in 2050, say UN demographic studies and reports, Info-Prim Neo reports. Boris Galca, Deputy Representative of the UN Population Fund in Moldova, said the studies show that the intense aging process in Moldova is generated by the very low birth rate, which is caused by economic, social and other factors. The conclusions were formulated during a meeting of the UN Journalists Club, which was attended by the director of the Malta-based International Institute on Aging Joseph Troisi, who also heads the European Center for Gerontology of the University of Malta. Joseph Troisi confirmed that aging in Moldova is caused by the low birth rate. He said that the situation in a number of European countries is much the same, but these states provide more benefits to stimulate birth giving than Moldova. Another cause of aging is the massive migration of young people abroad. The professor from Malta said the countries where over 10% of the population is aged over 60 are considered countries with aged population. Among the recommendations made by Joseph Troisi are to carry out a general population census, which will show the real situation and will allow working out appropriate policies, to create workplaces and make attractive offers to the young people who are abroad, to create a demographic center that would include medical, statistics and other kinds of specialists. All the measures must be implemented with the direct involvement of the people, said the professor. Joseph Troisi came to Moldova to provide assistance to the Government in working out the national demographic security strategy and in improving the capacity of the Moldovan demographic specialists.