
Ponta: Coming to power of pro-Russian parties in Moldova is becoming a certainty


Former Romanian Premier Victor Ponta warns that owing to the crisis in Chisinau, the pro-Russian parties could take over and accuses the administration of Romania of doing nothing to prevent such a development, IPN reports.

“The die is cast – the chaos is total, bankruptcy is almost inevitable and the prospect of those who officially declare themselves pro-Russia and anti-Romania to take over is becoming a certainty,” Victor Ponta wrote on his Facebook page.

Victor Ponta condemns the Romanian authorities for not supporting the pro-European parties of Moldova, but also accuses President Nicolae Timofti of playing Moscow’s game. “I saw that President Timofti (a good and kindhearted man, who is yet out of touch with reality and is negatively influenced by people with personal feelings) just awarded President Iohannis (the one who ‘contributed’ a lot to the situation in Moldova during the past year by doing absolutely nothing!). I think they both deserve to be awarded by Vladimir Putin for the way they yield up Moldova back to Russia (after our brothers from over the Prut in 2014 approached Romania and Europe the closest during the last 75 years),” he wrote.

He notes that the Republic of Moldova still has chances, but these are becoming slimmer. “I still hope that in Chisinau (not in Bucharest regretfully) some great minds will be ultimately able to remedy the situation. But the hope is fading away,” stated the former Prime Minister.