
PONA Party seeks public apologies and resignation of Premier Gavrilița


Ion Dron, the leader of the political Party “For People, Nature and Animals” (PONA), believes President Maia Sandu should publicly apologize to the Romanians and should request Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița to tender her resignation after the Premier in an interview invited the Romanians to discover the Republic of Moldova after the pandmeic is contained, noting that “we will invite them with a glass of wine and with a smile”. According to Ion Dron, such statements are stupid and offend the Romanian people.

“We will meet them with a glass of wine and with a smile”. We can also meet them with a cigarette between the lips. Such statements are made by officials in Chisinau with regard to Romanians from over the Prut. They make malicious or even venomous statements, but for the first time a Prime Minister insults this way the Romanians from over the Prut,” Ion Dron stated in a news conference at IPN. According to him, this is a stupid statement that could have been neglected if it hadn’t been made by a Prime Minister who does not have the right to insult and offend the people of a nation, the Romanians from both sides of the Prut River.

“This is an insult to the Romanians from here and mockery at the Romanians from over the Prut. Maybe Natalia Gavrilița does not know, but the current Republic of Moldova was Romanian land and will remain as such. This state, the Republic of Moldova, is primarily populated by Romanians with their centuries-old destiny, and is not a tribe, as Natalia Gavrilița considers, which deserves to be discovered in the 20th century. Judging by the Premier’s way of thinking, it seems that she does not know about the Embassy of Romanians that crossed the Prut long before this pandemic started and long before the appointment of Natalia Gavrilița as Prime Minister and this did much more than this Government of Natalia Gavrilița did for this piece of land,” said the PONA leader.

Ion Dron made reference to the support provided by the people and the authorities from over the Prut by twinning agreements, grants and hundreds of projects. Among these are projects to support culture, education, the energy sector, agriculture, etc. He considers the Premier’s statements deride everything that was done.

“It is ultimately the Premier’s business what she says, but this slap can become a problem for us, the Romanians from  here, if we do not react and do not demand punishment for these statements,” stated Ion Dron.

“The PONA party considers President Maia Sandu should apologize to the Romanians from here and from over the Prut, including to the Government in Bucharest, for the insult and offensive words of Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița. By the European traditions and practices, she must demand that Natalia Gavrilița should quit as Prime Minister. According to the European political norms and culture, continuing holding a post after insulting a nation is something unacceptable.”