
Political party demands to institute Europe's Day as official holiday in Moldova


The parliamentary faction of the Democratic Party from Moldova (PDM) lodged with the Parliament's Steady Bureau a draft law to modify the Labor Code. The project aims to institute May 9 – the Europe Day – as official holiday in Moldova, in addition to the commemoration of the military fallen in the Second World War, Info-Prim Neo quotes a communique of the party. The draft aims at insuring the citizens' right to rest for the ones willing to celebrate Europe's Day on May 9. The communique reads that thus PDM wants to align this country to the calendar of the official holidays of the EU member-states. If passed, the law does not incur additional expenses, but only doubles the value of May 9, as it does not change the total number of non-working days, PDM finds. The party specifies that through the proposed changes, Moldova will join the festivities dedicated to Europe's Day, celebrated on the European continent, stressing the country's belonging to the great European family and supporting the continuation of the European unification process. The EU member- and candidate-states mark Europe's Day on May 9. The European community celebrates the historical reconciliation of May 9, 1950, which marked the foundation of the European building and lay the foundations for sustainable peace among previously belligerent nations. On May 9, also the heroes fallen in the Second World War are commemorated. These holidays do not substitute each other and do not annul each other, but the Moldovan Labor Code provides for celebrating only one of them. May 9 in Moldova is a non-working holiday, as the average salary is maintained.