
Polish lawmakers to the Government: We had a very productive visit to Moldova


The security situation in the region and measures to overcome the energy crisis were discussed at the Government with a group of lawmakers from Poland, members of the delegation of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, led by Radosław Fogiel, and the Committee on European Union Affairs within the Polish Sejm, led by Kacper Płażyński.

The sides discussed the crises caused by the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine, with the Republic of Moldova and Poland being the states that received the largest number of Ukrainian refugees.

Prime Minister Gavrilița thanked the Polish legislators for the support provided by the Government of Poland during the “Moldova Support Platform” conferences, held in Berlin and Paris, but also for the loan of 20 million euros, used as direct support to the state budget, including for covering expenses, overcoming crises, etc.

The Moldovan prime minister spoke about plans to consolidate the energy sector. “Whereas in October 2022, the Republic of Moldova was 100% dependent on gas supplies from the Russian Federation, currently this number has decreased considerably. We managed to create enough reserves to meet the gas needs for this winter. In the medium term, we aim to complete the energy interconnection project with Romania and increase the production of renewable energy from 3% to 30%”, the prime minister was quoted in a Government press release.

“We understand well Moldova’s situation, and the response of the international community must be this: assistance and solidarity. You should know that the Republic of Poland will continue to be the advocate of the Republic of Moldova in the European Union, until the end of your European journey”, declared Kacper Płażyński, chair of the Commission for European Union Affairs within the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, quoted in the same press release.