Policeman who shot at CCCEC officers dismissed
The employee of the Patrol and Sentinel Battalion of the Balti Police Commissariat, who opened fire on officers of the Anticorruption Center, was dismissed, Minister of the Interior Alexei Roibu announced on July 27, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“He was discharged because he took measures that are not typical of a police officer. He shouldn’t have used the gun. This is an unordinary case. Since I took office as minister, this is the first case of the kind,” said Alexei Roibu.
The minister said the policeman knew the anticorruption officer who was to arrest him. “I understood that the two knew each other very well as they worked together. We are to determine the reasons for such behavior as the policeman who shot worked for 20 years in the police force,” said the minister.
According to Alexei Roibu, the Ministry of the Interior will not tolerate cases of corruption. “They can say that the police officers’ salary is a motive for committing acts of corruption, but there is no excuse for such acts,” he stated.
On July 25, the officer of the Patrol and Sentinel Battalion was arrested by anticorruption officers for asking for 2 000 lei from a driver for allowing him not to take the breath test. He was arrested in a car near a shop in Balti. His colleague managed to run away. Though the anticorruption officers presented themselves, the policeman fired two shots – one in the air and another one at the officers. The case is investigated by the Nord Service of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office.