Police veterans found “Honor and Dignity” Movement
Former police and security officers on September 2 announced the constitution of the “Honor and Dignity” Movement. They said they want the police and security services to be depoliticized and criminality and corruption to be combated, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Former head of the National Army's General Staff Ion Corobcean, who is the vice chairman of the Humanist Party of Moldova, is one of the leaders of the initiative group. He said the new movement aims to restore order in Moldova. “We want to be a constructive force in society and restore people's trust in the police and security forces that had been used by the parties that ruled the country in their own interests,” Ion Corobcean said.
Former Deputy Minister of the Interior Ghenadie Cosovan, who worked while the post of Minister of the Interior was held by Gheorghe Papuc, is another leader of the initiative group. “During 20 years, the employees of the Ministry of the Interior have been dismissed and replaced with persons loyal to the governing parties,” Cosovan said, adding the Ministry has been excessively politicized. “The persons who fabricated cases against Urecheanu (Serafim Urecheanu, the leader of the Moldova Noastra Alliance – e.n.) continue to hold their positions. The Emergencies Service is headed by incompetent persons who could not deal with the consequences of this summer's floods.”
Another former Deputy Minister of the Interior, Boris Muravschi said the “Honor and Dignity” Movement will propose legal methods of restoring the instruments for fighting corruption and crime that were destroyed at the start of the 1990s. “The persons who groundlessly start criminal cases are not punished. The judges formed a closed clan and not even the head of state can penetrate it,” Muravschi said.
The leaders of the initiative group for constituting the movement called upon all the veterans of the police and security services to join the new organization. After the general assembly of the members, the “Honor and Dignity” Movement will be registered with the Ministry of Justice.