
Police lieutenant-colonel in reserve makes accusations against two lawyers


Police lieutenant-colonel in reserve Angela Cirun said a corruption scheme has been applied since 2011 and this involves a prosecutor of the PGO and lawyers Veaceslav Țurcan and Maxim Belinschi, who defend the opponent party.

In a news conference at IPN, Angela Cirun related that she acquired a house based on an irrevocable and final court decision. Obeying the legislation, she sold this house to her mother. By another court decision, this sale and purchase agreement was recognized as legal. But in 2011, at the calumnious requests of a person who claimed to be related to the person from which the house was bought, the then prosecutor general ordered to take legal action against her over falsification of evidence in the civil lawsuit and over considerable ill-gotten gains. Together with this criminal case, legalities, humiliation and those ten years of ordeal started.

According to her, the two lawyers of the opponent party in a news conference accused her of corrupting prosecutors, judges and notaries for obtaining that house. Asked about the value of the house, one of the lawyers said it was an old home. “Why should we then corrupt so many functionaries and with what funds?  It’s easy to determine what we own: a small apartment and a Jiguli car dating from 1981, which we inherited from our parents who died, and two pensions. We don’t have bank accounts. We have yet two loans that we pay with our pensions. This is what we have earned during 30 years of work in the police force,” said the woman, referring to her and her husband. 

Angela Cirun urged to also check the incomes of the two lawyers as she presumes that they illegally get honorariums from the persons they represent. In 2018, the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office started a criminal case over falsification of official documents by the two lawyers. “Why is this criminal case in drawers at the Prosecutor’s Office instead of being tried by judges two years after it was started? The two lawyers shout that they are persecuted politically, while their case is among the 35 allegedly political cases?” asked Angela Cirun.

“I agree that the lawyers should not be intimidated, but only if they do their job honestly. In the case of lawyers Belinschi and Țurcan, these make false, invented statements in court and present warrants with false data and I have documents confirming this. Belinschi works based on a contract signed by another lawyer. He does not have a legal assistance contract and since 2012 has caused to us inestimable damage. Can we speak about political persecution in such circumstances?” stated the ex-police officer.

She publicly called on Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo to have a meeting with her and her husband so as to discuss the case involving them and the ordeal through which they have went during ten years. “We have asked for an audience since you were sworn in, but none of our requests reached you. Without your involvement, this story will end with a tragedy as patience is not limitless. Ten years of our life were stolen from us,” noted Angela Cirun.