
Poles in central Chisinau 'dressed' in pink


The philanthropic foundation Angelus Moldova in October will launch an information campaign on breast cancer. According to the NGO, the campaign is aimed at reducing the number of women who go to the doctor tardily owing to the lack of knowledge or encouragement from the close persons. The campaign will start with a Pink March as pink is the color of the fight against breast cancer. The organizers expect that about 2,000 persons will be participating in the event. Besides the awareness raising and solidarity march, Angelus Moldova will stage a charity concert with the slogan “Contribute to Raising Funds to Support the Anti-Breast Cancer Campaign. Inform Yourself! Give Help! Your Health and the Health of those Around Counts!”. The campaign will last for a month. The money collected during the drive will be used to purchase prostheses for women who had their breasts removed. The event will be marked by turning on pink lights on poles along Stefan cel Mare Blvd., between Pushkin and Ismail streets, at night. About 10 million new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every year worldwide, about 2 million of which in Europe. This disease is blamed for one quarter of deaths on the European continent. In Moldova, it causes at least 5,000 deaths annually.