
Poland vows to assist projects aligning Moldova with European standards


Poland will always support all the projects and activities aiming at spurring growth in Moldova and contributing to the implementation of European standards here, Marcin Nosal, First Secretary of the Polish Embassy in Moldova, stated Friday at a conference themed “Internal audit within local public administration in Poland, Ukraine and Moldova: experiences and challenges”. The one of the main indicators of growth is the development of the public administration. Very important, in this regard, is the management of human resources and the internal audit, the Polish official said. Mihai Roscovan, director of the Business Consulting Institute, stated at the conference that internal audit is a prerequisite for the consolidation of the local autonomy, and in reaching transparency, stability and predictability of the administrative decision-making. The importance of making the information on internal audit public derives from the need to implement the Law on administrative decentralisation and the Law on local public administration, adopted in 2006. According to Roscovan, the decentralisation process is now proceeding slowly due to the lack of transparency in administrative decision-making at local level. In this connection, Roscovan highlighted the importance of the Moldovan-Polish cooperation project “Development of Human Resources and Consolidation of Internal Audit Capacities within Local Public Administrations in Small Towns located near the Moldovan-Ukrainian Border - Floresti, Soroca and Yampil”. According to him, the project is under way and has the goal to redress the existing shortcomings by improving the efficiency of human resources at local level, by creating a foundation for an improved human resource management, by implementing modern mechanisms and ensuring the transparency of administrative decision-making. From this July, the project has supported training and consultancy activities in Poland engaging specialists of the mentioned local public authorities. The conference participants discussed the role of internal audit within the local public administration, aspects related to the constitution and functioning, the normative documents regulating the activity and the impact of internal audit on the activity of local public authorities, the relevant experience and practices of the three countries. The conference was organised by the Business Consulting Institute (Moldova), and the PAUCI Foundation (Poland), with the support of the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs.