Young activists of the public association “Honor, Dignity and Homeland” (ODIP) on January 18 staged an event to commemorate poet Grigore Vieru in connection with the seventh anniversary of the bard’s death. They came together at the writer’s bust in Chisinau and recited his poems and sang songs based on his poems, IPN reports.
“For seven years, we have been poorer because we have been without Grigore Vieru. This great bard of the Romanian nation, by his modesty and simplicity, promoted our nicest values such as love for the mother, for the Romanian language and for the Romanian nation,” said ODIP member Vlad Biletski.
“The dream of some was to reach cosmos, but he dreamt of crossing the Prut his whole life. That’s why it is very important to every year come here and remember Grigore Vieru. We should every year find time for culture, for what unites us as a nation.”
Poet Grigore Vieru died in the hospital as a result of a road accident on the night of January 18, 2009.