
PNL urges authorities to tell Russian Patriarch that he is not a master here


The National Liberal Party (PNL) calls on the government officials not to meet with the Russian Patriarch Kirill as servants and if they don’t dare to refuse a meeting they should tell the Patriarch that he is not a master here and should consider initiating the process of detaching the Moldovan Church from the Russian Patriarchate, Info-Prim Neo reports. "The National Liberal Party follows with concern the unhindered extension of the Russian influence. Fearing that a state of spirit favoring the reintegration of the Romanian people and the integration of this piece of Romanian land into the Euro-Atlantic family may appear in the Moldovan society, the Russian authorities act by direct methods like the economic blackmail or by indirect methods like domination through Orthodoxy. His Holiness Kirill’s visit is part of this Russian, anti-Romania and anti-West objective,” the leader of the PNL Vitalia Pavlicenco told a news conference on Friday. he PNL urges the authorities of Moldova to make effort to obtain the Moldovan Metropolitan Church’s consent to start its canonic separation from the Russian Patriarchate so as to become, at the first stage, autocephalous by dialogue and request for support from representatives of the Orthodox Church. The National-Liberals consider that the authorities should express their concern about the visit of the Russian Patriarch. “If there is no dignity, there is no state independence of which the pragmatic politicians boast. Moldova is still dependent on Russia at all the levels and the people’s hope that the separation from the Russian influence will start was betrayed. But things can start to change anytime,” said Vitalia Pavlicenco. PNL deputy head Alexandra Can read a passage from the book “The Kremlin Predators 1917-2009”, written by Helene Blang and Renat Lesnic. It says that the Russian patriarch was a KGB member. “The historians established that at least 70% of the Church officials are or were agents of the Russian secret services,” said Alexandra Can. She expressed her concern about the fact that politics entered the Church, stressing that Patriarch Kirill and the Metropolitan Bishop of Moldova Vladimir should review their actions. “They should educate all the ethnic groups in a pacifist spirit and hold services without interfering in the affairs of other peoples and the policy of the state where they live,” she stated. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will be paying a visit to Moldova on October 8-10. He will visit the dioceses of the Moldovan Metropolitan Church and will address the problems faced by the Orthodox Christians in Moldova.