
PNL: Union or Agony


The National Liberal Party (PNL) in the election campaign prior to the parliamentary elections of February 24 will promote the message of the union as salvation from the agony that follows the population of the Republic of Moldova as a curse. The party’s message and list of candidates for the national constituency were presented in an event held to start the election campaign of the PNL’s candidate for the Wester diaspora Gheorghe Furdui on January 27, IPN reports.

According to a press release of the PNL, in the event Anatolie Caraman, chairman of the Tiras-Tighina 1992 War Veterans Association, said it is regrettable that the unionist forces didn’t manage to combine forces and form a united platform for the upcoming elections. The speakers at the meeting underlined the imperative of the union not only as an act of historical justice for the population from the left side of the Prut, which was and is still under Russian occupation owing to the presence of Russian troops on the left side of the Nistru.

The PNL noted the Republic of Moldova for 27 years has been the victim of kleptocratic governments that alternated in the period in the second Romanian state. This is due to the fact that a lustration law to hamper the coming of ex-agents of the Russian security services to Parliament and the Government, who are now also promoted to power in Moldova by persons from Chisinau who serve the destructive regime of the Kremlin, wasn’t adopted.

The president of the PNL Vitalia Pavlichenko said the electoral platform entitled “Union or Agony” is centered on the same concept that was promoted in the parliamentary elections of 2010 and 2014 – the concept of Romanian integration concomitantly with reforms compliant with the state’s European integration commitment. The platform includes the pro-union positions stated by Parliaments, strategies and foreign and Romanian politicians.

The second part of the electoral platform specifies 20 concrete commitments of the PNL whose accomplishment would mean the acceleration of the reformation of society and preparation of institutions for meeting the European standards through the Romanian integration. The PNL suggests that the two parties from the two Romanian states should sign two documents with proNATO, proEU and pro-union commitments. The party pleads for the withdraw from the CIS and the entry into NATO and for the adoption of a lustration law.

The PNL’s electoral program also envisions the formation of a union Government in Chisinau and holding of common meetings of the Governments and Parliaments of the two Romanian states. The party also suggests creating a ministry of Romanian and European integration, instituting joint frontier posts at the border across the Prut and ensuring energy and gas interconnection through the Romanian system.

In the event to start the election campaign, the party’s administration handed over the candidate permits issued by the Central Election Commission.