
PNL proposes creating broad National Dignity Committee


The National Liberal Party (PNL) suggests setting up a National Dignity Committee that will include democratic parties, the private sector, mass media representatives and honest-minded people concerned about what they call “the Communist regime’s Romania-phobia”. A communiqué released by PNL in the evening of October 17 says that Moldovan authorities’ refusal to open new Romanian consulates and to allocate a new building to the Romanian Consulate in Chisinau, the adoption in first reading of a bill that bans the access of multiple citizenship holders to public posts, the hindering of Romanian official delegations invited to Chisinau’s Day from crossing the border, the halt in broadcasting TVR1 in Moldova are all acts that form part of “the Romania-phobia hysteria generated by the convulsions of a departing totalitarian regime”. All these actions are directed against Romania and the European Union and have serious consequences for the Moldovan population, the party says. In another statement, the PNL Central Standing Bureau informs the public about “the immoral acts of certain right wing destructive elements”. The statement says that immediately after the local elections of June 2007, PNL initiated talks to achieve the programmatic objective – to crate a strong liberal pole. They negotiated with Oleg Serebrian of the Social-Liberal Party (PSL) and with Vladimir Filat, who also backs the idea of unifying the Liberal forces. During negotiations, it was decided to build a unified Liberal party by this yearned. Unfortunately, a destructive group from PNL, which pretends to represent certain forces and which vehemently opposed “Filat’s political project”, announced unexpectedly that it joins the Liberal-Democratic initiative group. In such a way, they harmed PNL’s image, but first of all the image of “Filat’s project”. PNL says it is ready to continue the talks with PSL and with “Filat’s Group” and reiterates that it is in favour of civilized and correct relations between the Democratic parties, especially between the ones that form part of the Liberal family, the statement says.