
PM unpleased that media is not interested of Government’s meetings organized outside Chisinau


The Government is opened for collaboration and offers more possibilities for establishing dialogue with media. One of the intentions of the Government is organizing meetings with the participation of the press, Vasile Tarlev declared at the round table entitled “Free access to information as an opportunity to develop press”, organized on the occasion of the Right to Know Day. According to the PM, the central level authorities go weekly outside Chisinau in order to examine the problems which appear at regional and local level and to find solutions. Tarlev expressed his regret that despite the fact that the Government creates all conditions for the participation of media in such events, the interest of the journalists regarding this collaboration opportunity is low. Vasile Tarlev declared that he is concerned of the fact that local media does not contribute, within the frameworks of these work visits, to informing society about the local problems. Tarlev was also concerned that many national importance actions, aimed at developing and strengthening of Moldova are not presented by the press. According to the PM, Moldova strives for becoming a model state, which implements and promotes European values, state that can not be created without an efficient collaboration between public authorities and civil society, without creating professional media and an efficient informing mechanism. Tarlev says that, in light of the accumulated experience and development tendencies, the Government continued the series of initiatives meant to ensure access of society and media to the decision-making process and settling a transparent governing process. For example, on the base of PM’s order, the central administrative authorities were obliged to permanently publish information about their activity, as well as organizing monthly press conferences, to open hot lines, the PM added. The Right to Know Days are organized in Moldova for the 3rd year in succession.