
PM Sandu in Berlin: We intend to make Moldova worthy of EU membership


“We will no longer just say that we are Europeans. We want to change Moldova from within so that we can be accepted into the EU as a trustworthy member with functional democratic institutions,” declared Maia Sandu during remarks to the press following a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin.

“Your support for the Republic of Moldova, our small Eastern European country struggling to lift itself from the obscurity of its past to a new European beginning, has been constant and unwavering. Your support has never been about interests. For us and for you, changing the Moldovan system of governance is about the transformative power of European ideals, the attraction of a liberal-democratic model of society with its emphasis on freedom, human rights and a social market economy,” stated Maia Sandu.

“Unfortunately, previous governments in Moldova were more interested in personal gains rather than building functional institutions. From Europe’s success story, we became Europe’s gray area run from the shadows by an oligarch with pervasive human rights violations, theft from government-owned companies, money laundering and corruption. Few serious companies were willing to invest in Moldova. Trust in government institutions collapsed,” went on Maia Sandu.

According to the Moldovan prime minister, the Government has a difficult task of rebuilding the state and restoring the trust of Moldova’s citizens and its strategic partners. Moldova must be cleaned from corruption and money laundering. “More than ever, we count on your support for Moldova’s transformation that puts the interests of its citizens at the top of its list of priorities,” declared Maia Sandu addressing German Chancellor Angela Merkel.