
PLR: Moldova slid scandalously into grotto of states with most bizarre irregularities


“This year the Republic of Moldova has slid scandalously from the height of the ‘success story’ in Eastern Europe, owing to the success made in the European integration process, to the grotto of the states with the most bizarre irregularities in the world, with a foreign army on its sovereign territory, with its main airport leased out to the aggressor state, with a banking system controlled form outside and with the US$1 billion being stolen directly from the reserve of the National Bank,” leaders of the Liberal Reformist Party (PLR) said in a news conference held to sum up the results achieved during a year of the last parliamentary elections, IPN report.

According to the leaders of the PLR, Moldova took again the position of the poorest state in Europe, for the first time after 2009, and the most shameful position of the most corrupt state on the continent, with the tendency to become the most corrupt state in the world. “The increasing inflation, the rise in the prices of all products brought back poverty to the homes of most of the Moldovans, stimulating the mass exodus, in particular of young people, to counties where living conditions are better,” said the party’s chairman Ion Hadarca.

The leaders of the PLR noted that the state in which Moldova is now, as a result of the November 30, 2014 elections, is disastrous. “It would be right for the parties that are responsible for this disaster to disappear from the political arena of the Republic of Moldova. As there is no law of political and government responsibility, these parties should dissolve themselves and should tender the resignation of honor, if they have such, and particular politicians should be held accountable in accordance with the law,” added Hadarca.

The last parliamentary elections were held in Moldova on November 30, 2014.