
PLDM proposes initiative to reduce price of Green Card certificate


Two members of the Liberal-Democratic parliamentary group - Veaceslav Ionita and Simion Furdui - put forward a legislative initiative on the liberalization of the auto insurance market, suggesting decreasing the price of the insurance certificate Green Card by at least 40%, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the PLDM. The bill was drafted after the National Financial Market Commission monitored the activity of the National Bureau of Motor Vehicle Insurers of Moldova and established that cartel agreements are reached on the auto insurance market, the insurance prices being two times higher than in the countries of the region. The price of the Green Card certificate for insuring large trucks in Moldova is €840, as against €450 in Romania, Poland, Ukraine, and Bulgaria. According to the MPs, even if the taxes during the last seven years were high, the damages paid by the insurers represent 20-30% of their income, which is two times less than the norm stipulated by the methodological requirements. The sale of the insurance certificate Green Card was to be liberalized last September, but the imperfection of the legislation allowed maintaining the situation in the field.