
PLDM presents electoral offer on Chisinau's historical center by launching volume about capital city


The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) presented its electoral offer concerning the historical center of Chisinau by launching a volume about Chisinau while Alexandr Pushkin lived in the city, based on a monograph by Ioan Halippa. The presentation took place on Wednesday at the place of the former lordly mansion “Teodosiu”, which was demolished in 2005, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Government's secretary general Victor Bodiu, who tops the PLDM's list of candidates for Chisinau councilors, said the volume “Ioan Halippa. Chsinau during Pushkin's time (1820-1823) with 333 interventions by Lica Sainciuc” represents a living history of Chisinau. “I think that any European town would be a pride with such persons who write and show us what our city represents. This nice monument that survived two Russian-Turkish wars, two world wars, a nd all the quakes of 1836 was demolished in 2005 during one night,” said Victor Bodiu. The mansion was built in 1836 and had the status of monument protected by the state. After 1998, the mansion became property of an economic entity. Victor Bodiu urged the political parties to change the chapter concerning the historical center of the city, contained in the Urbanistic Plan of Chisinau, immediately after entering the Municipal Council, and to adopt a new register of historical monuments until the city's day so as to ban the demolition of such monuments. Lica Sainciuc said he aimed to furnish the people with information about Chisinau. “Halippa's book was much read and became a classical book, but it wasn't republished. I translated and illustrated it and transformed the material into comments,” said Lica Sainciuc. Theater director Sandu Grecu, who is a candidate of the PLDM for a seat on the Chisinau Council, said the book aims to sensitize civil society. “They say that the future does not have present without past, while a society that does not know the history is a society of Mankurts. Master Lica Sainciuc managed to revive this book that was published in Russian in 1899,” he stated. The book “Ioan Halippa. Chsinau during Pushkin's time (1820-1823) with 333 interventions by Lica Sainciuc” was printed in 510 copies at Cartier publishing house.