
PLDM launches consultations to support farmers affected by Russia’s ban


The Liberal-Democratic Party (PLDM) opened political consultations on the package of assistance intended for the producers and processors that sustained losses as a result of the ban imposed by Russia on the import of fruit and vegetables into Moldova. The announcement was made by the party’s leader Vlad Filat in a news conference on July 23, IPN reports.

The package will include fiscal assistance, assistance in repaying loans, direct compensations and support in the negotiations to enter new export markets. Vlad Filat called on the consumers, economic entities and public authorities to promote the consumption of national products.

“We call on all the parties to disapprove of this ban and to support the farmers. It is a moment when everyone should show their real face. Those who pursue only personal or party goals are anti-citizens of Moldova and are against the interests of the Republic of Moldova,” stated Vlad Filat.

According to him, at internal level, there are political parties and personages who act against the own country.  The Communists and Socialists take direct actions, coordinated with the Russian authorities, in a move to promote bans, separatism and economic diversion. “They go to Moscow and ask that the people of their country be punished and persecuted. It is betrayal to seek penalizing the own people for the sake of the wish to live better,” said the Liberal-Democratic leader.

As the chairman of the PLDM, which is a member of the European People’s Party, Vlad Filat signed a statement, addressed to all the political partners, to diplomatically and politically support Moldova in the negotiations on resuming the exports with the Russian authorities. By this ban, Russia wants to punish the people who want a better life, a prosperous and developed country with European values. “This pressure is not accidental. The restrictions were intentionally imposed in this period, given that the elections are approaching,” stated Vlad Filat.

Last week, Russia banned the import of fresh and canned fruit and vegetables from Moldova.