
PLDM disapproves of way in which Filip Government was invested


The Central Standing Bureau and the parliamentary group of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) issued a statement by which it expresses its disapproval of the obscure methods and way in which the Cabinet led by Pavel Filip was voted in. The PLDM says serious deviations from the constitutional norms and regulations were committed in the process of voting and installing the governmental team, IPN reports, quoting the statement.

“We declare that the vote of the 57 MPs for the Filip Government does not represent the will expressed by the people of Moldova in the November 30, 2014 elections because the given coalition was formed through party switching and political corruption,” says the statement.

The PLDM detaches itself firmly from the option of the eight MPs elected on the Liberal-Democratic ticket, who voted for the Filip Government. “The PLDM does not assume political responsibility for the activity of the three ministries and a deputy prime minister that are ostensibly managed by representatives of our team,” said the party.

Therefore, the PLDM makes common cause with the peaceful protests mounted by the people and firmly opposes the use of violence, provocations and acts to devastate public buildings. It considers there are sufficient peaceful and democratic methods to force the government to serve the state and the people or the people will have the right to demand early elections.

The party calls on the development partners to provide assistance only based on concrete results that will be achieved by the government in rebuilding the rule of law and authentic democracy.

The PLDM also decided to exclude the seven Liberal-Democratic MPs who form part of the parliamentary coalition that voted in the Filip Government. These are George Mocanu, Mihaela Spataru, Vladimir Hotineanu, Stefan Creanga, Aliona Gota, Nae-Simion Plesca and Ion Balan. The eighth MP who voted for the Filip Government is Valeriu Giletski, but this didn’t sign to join the parliamentary coalition.