PLDM and PCRM voted together for postponing questioning of health minister
The questioning of Health Minister Andrei Usatyi that was to take place within the meeting of the commission on social protection, health and family on January 30 was put off at the request of Deputy Speaker Liliana Palihovici. The Liberal-Democrats’ proposal aroused contradictory discussions between the MPs, but the Liberal-Democratic and Communist MPs voted in favor, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“I suggest postponing the questioning. Today we may agree the questions and the subjects we want to discuss so as to have a constructive discussion. The minister will come prepared and will not say that he didn’t know he will have to speak about a certain issue,” Liliana Palihovici said in the meeting.
Liberal lawmaker Gheorghe Brega, one of those who asked for the questioning, said that it is 10 days since the minister was summoned to report in Parliament and the questions were ready. “We want to find out details about the clumsy reform that he started. The minister tells only lies on the TV,” he stated.
Democratic MP Valentina Stratan said that Andrei Usatyi initiated the reformation of medical institutions by signing internal orders at a time when this was to be done by law. “I found out that the patients of the psychiatry hospital are to be transferred to community hospitals from the TV. Why should we find out about such initiatives from the media?” she asked.
Communist MP Oxana Domenti proposed that the health minister should present the reformation strategy so that the lawmakers could examine it and put questions. Until then, the reorganization process should be stopped.
The proposal to put off the questioning and to request the minister to submit the strategy for reforming the health system were joined and approved by the votes of the Communists and Lib-Dems. The MPs formulated an official letter to Andrei Usatyi. The minister is to present the strategy in the commission’s meeting next week.