
Petition to restore entrepreneur's patent


Former patent holders from different districts of the country have initiated a petition by which they call on the authorities to return their right to work on the basis of the entrepreneur’s patent. They also reserve the right to mount a protest with the participation of sellers from all markets of the country in the Great National Assembly Square to show their dissatisfaction with the ban on work based on patents from July 1, 2023.

In  a press conference hosted by IPN, Amrahov Mirza, the representative of patentees from Balti municipality, said that people simply found themselves in a difficult situation and massively left their workplaces at the market as a result. The man presented a list of signatures of more than 600 former patent holders who worked in markets of Balti municipality and urged others to join the petition by which the authorities are requested to allow them to operate on a patent basis.

“We request that our activity be kept on the basis of a patent or on the basis of a fixed and single tax. It is the only possibility for us to survive in the current difficult conditions. We understand that the solving of this problem requires not only one day and therefore we ask for a moratorium on inspections and fines for those operating in markets, until a solution is identified,” noted Amrahov Mirza.

Ruslan Verbitski, the representative of patent holders from Chisinau, said that the state has reduced the contribution for education by 350 million lei. The missed income from patents totals about 60 million lei a year. This money could have covered a part of the expenses for education. It wasn’t in vain that Gagauzia decided not to cancel patents the coming years. This is because, first of all, in any reform, the human factor and economic comfort must count in a society that wants to prosper and tends to the European legal norms.

“You played patent game. You spent the European Union’s money, how many there was it. You cancelled this patent and now should restore it. After collecting signatures from all markets in the Republic of Moldova, we reserve the right to invite to a rally in the Great National Assembly Square all sellers from all markets of the Republic of Moldova to protest against the harmful reform. And we will ask for the entrepreneur’s patent to be restored,” stated Ruslan Verbitski.

“Markets are closing, dying. They die because so many left crying, cursing, but they left, they had to leave because they could not cope with this reform. I ask the mayors to be receptive to our problem. Go to markets, talk to people and see what is happening there and what is the bitter reality there,” said Eleonora Țurcanu-Herghelegiu, who represents patentees from Causeni district.

“We came to say loud and clear that former patent holders remain solidary with the citizens of ATU Gagauzia. There, the citizen is put in the foreground, not the ambitions and whims of particular officials who travel like tourists abroad at public expense, avoiding any dialogue that brings benefits,” said Olga Chapki, the representative of patentees from Stefan Voda district.

Note: IPN News Agency offers the right of reply to persons who consider they were touched by the news items produced based on statements made by the organizers of the given news conference, including by facilitating the organization of another news conference in similar conditions.