
Pest control efforts resumed in Chisinau blocks


Pest extermination efforts in the basements of Chisinau’s apartment blocks have been resumed after being on pause for a month. The relevant authorities promise pest control inspectors will reach each and every block covered by the municipality, and the effort will be completed by early September the latest.

Vasile Efros, head of the Amenities and Sanitation Division, said pest control had to be interrupted for one month as the Chisinau Public Health Center, which traditionally carried out the extermination, has been undergoing reorganization. As a result, the Division selected a private company in a contest to do the job. The company will be paid about one million lei under the contract.

Efros added that during the interruption numerous residents complained that the basements were swarming with fleas and mosquitoes. After the general effort is completed, additional extermination will be carried out where the situation requires it.