
Persons willing to start a business in breeding sector are subsidised by the state


Persons wishing to start a business in the breeding sector have now this opportunity taking into consideration the fact that the state subsidises this sector, staring this year, the deputy head of the Municipal department for social-economic development of administrative-territorial units, Timofei Spataru, announced about this on Monday meeting of the mayoralty. According to him, the population is poorly informed about the subsidise of the state of the zoo-technical sector, due to fact that until now to this department only one person addressed, of the village Truseni, who was interested in building a pig farm. The population knows only about the state subsidies for phyto-technical branch, Spataru mentioned. Spataru also said that in order to revive this branch of the agriculture, the state reimburses about 50% of the amount spent for purchasing the animals. In the other context, Spataru mentioned that in municipality Chisinau are made increased efforts in order to prepare the equipment for working the land, as at the moment 1,153 hectares are not cultivated, including 372 hectares in village Sangera, 90 hectares in town Codru, 128 hectares in Durlesti, 265 hectares in village Bubuieci, 183 in the village Colonta, 115 in the village Cruzesti. In the same time, he mentioned that on the territories of the villages of municipality Chisinau there were done works of clearing the trees and vines, about 50%.