
Persons of 2013 named


100 personalities were awarded for results achieved in eight areas in the Person of the Year event, staged by the journal VIPmagazin, IPN reports.

Former Premier Vlad Filat, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party, was named Person of the Year in politics. He is followed in the rankings by Prime Minister Iurie Leanca and chairman of the Democratic Party Marian Lupu.

Businessman Ion Sturza is the winner in the business category. The other awardees here are Nicolas Nicula and Vasile Dragan. President of BC Moldova Agroindbank Serghei Cebotari became Person of the Year in management, followed by the director general of Orange Liudmila Climoc and Gas Natural Fenosa in Moldova president Silvia Radu.

In society, the winner is Metropolitan Bishop of Chisinau and all Moldova Vladimir, followed by U.S. Ambassador to Moldova William H. Moser and president of the Academy of Sconces of Moldova Gheorghe Duca.

In the mass-media, the awardee is journalist Vasile Botnaru, director of Radio Free Europe in Moldova. In the rankings, he is followed by ProTV director Catalin Giosan and journalist Lorena Bogza.

The Person of the Year in sport is Constantin Tutu, followed by tennis player Radu Albot and president of the Moldovan Basketball Federation Octavian Vucol.

In culture, the winner is stage manager Igor Cobileanski, followed by plastic artist Eleonora Romanescu and designer Serghei Ciuprin. Dan Balan is the awardee in showbiz, followed by Carla's Dreams and Alex Calancea Band.

Among other awarded personalities were Angela Gonta, Alecu Matraguna, Oxana Iutes, Tania Cerga, Catalin Josan, Adrian Ursu, Nicoleta Gavrilita, Diana Guja, Vlad Costandoi, and Ion Paladi. The laureates were designated based on online voting.