
Person with COVID-19 in a very serious state


One of the 23 persons diagnosed with the novel coronavirus is in a very serious state. This was intubated and connected to assisted ventilation. Doctors are making effort to save the person’s life, said Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection Viorica Dumbrăveanu, who reiterated the call to the population to obey all the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, IPN reports.

After the March 16 meeting of the National Focal Point, the minister noted that the state of health of another 19 persons diagnosed with COVID-19 is medium grave and with positive dynamics. The condition of three patients is satisfactory. The first case of infection of a child, aged eight, was recorded on March 15.

COVID-19 caused no death in Moldova so far. Viorica Dumbrăveanu said that 13 of the 23 confirmed cases are cases of imported infection, while ten are local transmission cases. The infection affected families and related persons. This shows that the prophylaxis measures should be drastic.

The authorities warn that the most efficient measure is for the persons to remain at home and to refrain from contacting with other people. Special attention should be devoted to elderly persons who suffer from heart and respiratory diseases and to diabetics. In the case of those who came from risk areas, these should respect the self-isolation regime for 14 days.

The persons who spread the epidemic disease face fines of up to 50,000 lei or at most three years in jail. As regards the non-observance of the infection prophylaxis, prevention and combating measures, if there is a danger to public health the fine is of up to 25,000 for private individuals and of up to 75,000 lei for legal entities. Fines of at most 25,000 lei will be imposed on those who will intentionally present false or incomplete personal data in epidemiological forms or will refuse to complete these.