
People taught to write petitions


The Hyde Park Association launched a campaign themed “You Have the Right to Know”. On Saturday morning, the persons going through the public garden “Stephan the Great” in Chisinau were stopped and taught to write petitions or applications asking for information, which will afterward be sent to the competent bodies, Info-Prim Neo reports. Several information centers were set up on the Classical Writers’ Alley. They will provide several models of applications for asking for information. “We want to teach those who want to ask for information to write applications and to familiarize them with the relevant legislation. The people must have courage to ask for any kind of information as this is a right,” said Parascovia Topada, the president of Hyde Park. Another goal of the campaign is to make the public servants more responsible as they are often unwilling to provide information. The campaign will continue the next days. A public meeting titled “We Need the Lustration Law in Moldova?” will be held in the Great National Assembly Square on September 27. The participants will ask the new government to make public the KGB archives and the recent cases opened according to political criteria. Hyde Park demands that the persons who persecuted be unmasked and removed from public posts. “We want to prevent the coming to power of corrupt persons and of former informers who have an oppressive attitude,” Parascovia Topada said. The activities carried out by Hyde Park form part of the Right to Know Day, which is marked on September 28.