
People continue to live in houses damaged by 2008 floods, MP Gheorghe Brega


The residents of Briceni, Causeni and Stefan Voda districts who were seriously affected by the floods of the summer of 2008 continue to live in damaged houses, Gheorghe Brega, the head of the parliamentary commission that is investigating how 25 million lei disappeared from the flood victim fund, told Info-Prim Neo. Gheorghe Brega said the commission will present a report in Parliament at the end of June. By then, the flood-stricken families in Stefan Voda and Causeni will continue to be questioned. The investigations in Briceni were completed. The MP said the commission established that the money for the victims of floods, which was donated mainly by private individuals and legal entities, was distributed according to political criteria. “If the victims were sympathizers of the Communists Party they received everything they needed. In other cases, the Communist mayors said – if you are Green go to Filat, and if you are Blue go to Ghimpu as we will give you nothing,” Gheorghe Brega said. The commission of inquiry was set up earlier this year after it was established that neither the Ministry of Finance nor the Treasury or other institutions know how 25 million lei of the funds of 64 million lei was used. The commission discovered earlier that the Czech Republic provided eight water pumps, but the Ministry of the Interior reported it received only six. 50 pairs of rubber boots and two electric power generators of five have gone missing. The commission is also looking for 600 tonnes of diesel fuel that were declared at the customs, but did not get to the beneficiaries.