
“Pentru Familie” condemns St Valentine flashmob meeting near monument to Stephan the Great


The public association “Pentru Familie” (“For Family”) condemns the event staged in front of the monument to Ruler Stephan the Great in Chisinau on February 14, when boys kissed boys and girls kissed girls, Info-Prim Neo reports. The association's deputy head Vitalie Marian, in a news conference on February 15, said that flashmob meeting was an unprecedented blow to the moral-Christian values of society, an attempt to defy the family and to instigate violence. According to Vitalie Marian, the organizers chose to hold their meeting that incites to disgusting sexual perversions namely in front of the monument to Stephan the Great, which is considered one of the most sacred places of the nation. Most of those who took part in that event came from abroad. “Why do the foreigners besmirch our country? What right do they have to impose another model of family on our children and society, which runs counter to the Constitution of Moldova?” Vitalie Marian asked. The association calls upon the authorities to immediately adopt a law that would protect morality. “We call on the President of Moldova, Prime Minister, Parliament, the Church, politicians, teachers, jurists and people of culture to condemn the February 14 meeting staged in front of the monument to Stephan the Great, expressing thus solidarity with the Moldovan people, and to take steps to pass a law on the protection of morality,” Vitalie Marian said. The organization's jurist Irina Batin said the legislation guarantees the right to expression, but also imposes restrictions, including that the meetings should not violate public morality,” said the jurist. She also said that the event defied morality, but also represented a danger to children, who are curious and cannot make a difference between right and wrong. The association “Pentru Familie” invited Scott Lively - one of the most influential defenders of family values in the world – to pay a visit to Moldova during February 25 – March 2. He will have meetings with politicians, jurists and people of culture and will give lectures at several education institutions in Chisinau. On February 14, Amnesty International Moldova and the Nondiscrimination Coalition held a flashmob meeting on Saint Valentine's Day in front of the monument to Stephan the Great, during which boys kissed boys and girls kissed girls.