
Pensioners Union of Moldova invites people to join in April 24 protest


The Pensioners Union of Moldova supports the desiderata of the Civic Platform “Dignity and Truth” and calls on the whole population to come to the protest that will be mounted in the Great National Assembly Square on April 24. In a news conference at IPN, members of the Union expressed their concern about the worsening of the political, economic and social situation in the country. These consider that the holding of early parliamentary elections simultaneously with the national constitutional referendum initiated by the initiative group of the Platform “Dignity and Truth” is the only solution that can help take the state out of captivity.

The Union members also expressed their concern about the lack of progress in the investigation of the theft of the billions of lei from the banking system and about the fact that the stolen money was transformed into state debt. The pensioners ask for an international investigation into the bank fraud and demand that the pensions be raised and the media outlets be de-monopolized.

The chairman of the Pensioners Union Victor Leanca said the government failed to ensure a dialogue with civil society. The ruling political parties do not fulfill their commitments to the people and made all the state institutions dysfunctional in relation to the people.

Union member, Doctor Habilitate Vladimir Popa said there are many problems in the health system too. The financing for this sector is insufficient and the health facilities are inappropriately equipped. An increasing number of medical employees go to work abroad and fewer doctors remain in the country. To solve these problems, the medical institutions must be depoliticized, while the government must be replaced by early legislative elections that should be held simultaneously with the referendum initiated by the Platform “Dignity and Truth”.

The head of the Pensioners Union in Hancesti district Constantin Mitachi said the country is in an acute crisis and the problems can be overcome only if the current government is replaced. “There are people who die of starvation in an agrarian country. The prices rose tens of times, while the pensions remained miserable,” he said.

Pensioner and combatant Nicolae Barladeanu said he is for early parliamentary elections, but the census data should be first published so as not to allow the next elections to be rigged. The protesters and combatants will not leave the Great National Assembly Square of Chisinau until the government does not call early legislative elections.

The Platform “Dignity and Truth” announced a protest for April 24 after the Central Election Commission on March 30 rejected its initiative to hold a constitutional referendum.