
Penalties do not solve conflicts in schools, while mediators do, deputy mayor


The application of penalties for insulting teachers will not solve the problem. On the contrary, in places they can exacerbate it. It is necessary to work to remove the reasons for conflicts, to understand the need to work together, said deputy mayor of Chisinau Angela Kutasevich, who believes that a conflict mediator is needed in the school.

Contacted by IPN for a comment, Angela Kutasevich agreed that a special law was needed to protect teachers, teachers’ reputations, but it is very important how it will be applied. In a conflict situation, everyone is right and the presence of a mediator can help resolve disputes. “It is very important in school to equally respect the child and the teacher and to have this educational harmony because the school is that family where all members must live in friendship and good understanding,” stated Angela Kutasevich.

The deputy mayor stressed the need to increase the importance of the teacher, to promote the image of the teacher in the public space. “The teacher is a specialist. Since you entrusted the child to the teacher, you entrusted him/her with them and you trust them,” said the official.

Angela Kutasevich urged to discourage the tendencies to put pressure on the system, on the teacher. A respectful attitude towards the teacher also means better quality of studies. The state of comfort and harmony are the decisive factors of a job that is well done on both sides.

Following legislative changes promoted by Parliament in June, the insulting of teachers will be punished. The insulting of teaching, scientific-teaching or scientific staff in the exercise of their duties, i.e. intentionally harming their honor, dignity or professional reputation, will be punished with a fine of 500 to 1,000 lei. Insulting accompanied by bodily injury, if this does not constitute a crime, will be punished with a fine from 2,000 to 4,000 lei or up to 15 days under arrest. The legislative changes were published on June 7 in the Official Gazette and will enter into force three months after the date of publication.