
PDM’s candidates go on tour of Moldova ELECTIONS 2015


The candidates of the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM) for the post of mayor in different settlements go on a tour of Moldova before the local elections. The party’s chairman Marian Lupu said the election campaign is close to an end and this period is the most important and responsible one as the people will now shape their options. The candidates, who are current and former mayors, will go through the country to discuss with the people and to share their experience with colleagues, IPN reports.

Marian Lupu noted that the PDM didn’t use superficial criteria to select is candidates for the post of mayor. It focused on the most important qualities that the people who represent the party should possess.

The PDM adopted the decision to set up the Council for Local Development. “My colleagues came today to Chisinau to lay the foundations of the Council for Local Development. We will gather together the experience of some people and the ideas of other people and will bring together the best experts in local administration. We will look for real solutions that work. We want all the families to enjoy heating, sewerage, asphalted roads, modern schools and nurseries,” stated Marian Lupu, adding that his team includes a lot of mayors with experience who will share their knowledge with the newly elected mayors.

The Democratic leader called on his colleagues not to make statements only, but to also listen to people’s wishes and be sincere with them and to be attentive to the realities and avoid speculations.