
PDM demands that Communists offer apologies to Moldovan people


The Democratic Party (PDM) considers the accusations made against the party by the national staff of the Communist Party (PCRM) represent an expression of the fear to lose political monopoly and lack of respect for the country’s people. The Communists describe the initiative to openly elect the PDM’s candidates for seats of MP, which was launched yesterday, as attempt to rig the November 30 parliamentary elections. The PDM formulated its position in a communiqué, quoted by IPN.

“After announcing the launch of the open election of the PDM’s candidates for Parliament, the Democratic Party expected that some people, who like holding political monopoly, will attack the idea of giving more decisional power to the ordinary people. The PCRM’s reaction is typical for this party as it is in line with the internal party dictatorship based on which messages are formulated. This reaction shows that this party got into a panic because many of their former sympathizers could take part in the open elections that the PDM will hold on September 28,” reads the communiqué.

According to the document, the PDM ascertains something that is unacceptable: by its aberrations, the PCRM insults all the people of Moldova and accuses the country’s people of being corruptible and of being ready to sell their dignity, vote and civic consciousness for several lei. The Democratic Party demands with firmness that the PCRM should withdraw these insinuations that offend every citizen of Moldova and should publicly apologize to the people. The Moldovans will know how to defend their dignity of honest people, even if the Communists do not realize what’s wrong.

The Democratic Party says the open election of the PDM’s candidates for Parliament is based on the confidence in the party colleagues from all over the country and in Moldova’s people. “That’s why we offer the people the possibility of taking part in making political decisions! Unlike others, we are not afraid of sharing the political power and understand that only together with the people of this county and by respecting their options, can we create better living conditions in Moldova,” reads the communiqué of the PDM.