
PDM condemns speculations that it could be outlawed


“All the speculations made in the public sphere, according to which the Democratic Party could be outlawed, are aimed at discrediting the party and at exerting pressure on the local elected officials so that these leave the PDM,” the party said in a press release. According to this, the Democratic Party of Moldova that was founded in 1997 continues to work legally, IPN reports.

The PDM noted that these speculations were made to discourage the Democratic Party’s potential candidates in the local elections set for October 20 this year.

“We call on the political opponents to abandon such kinds of dirty attacks. We also draw the diplomatic community’s attention to the anti-democratic departures of some of the representatives of the government who undermine the pluralism of opinion and political pluralism in the Republic of Moldova, weakening thus democracy in our state,” it is said in the PDM’s press release.

The Democratic Party also said that it is the main opposition party in the country for which each forth elector voted at the last parliamentary elections. “We will continue to draw attention to all the illegalities, abuses of power, cases of interference in justice and separation of powers in the state, of crass political subduing of political institutions, as it was already witnessed in the case of the CEC and the NAC, and will continue to demand that concrete measures for the people’s wellbeing should be taken and implemented,” stated the party.

Ex-Premier Ion Sturza, who is one of the founders of the Democratic Party, considers the PDM should disappear. In the talk show “Black Box” on TV8 channel, he said that at the extraordinary congress of the PDM set for September 7, the party should be dissolved. “After the developments witnessed around this party, this grouping that caused so much hate in our society should vanish,” stated the former PM.