
PDM approves list of candidates for parliamentary elections


The National Political Council of the Democratic Party (PDM) approved the list of candidates for the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019. The list for the national constituency is topped by the party’s leader Vlad Plahotniuc. He is followed by Prime Minister Pavel Filip and Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu, while the party’s secretary general Constantin Botnari comes fourth, IPN reports.

The next positions on the list are taken by Minister of Education, Culture and Research Monica Babuc, ex-minister of constructions Vasile Bîtca, MP Sergiu Sîrbu, ex-minister of justice Vladimir Cebotari, MP Vladimir Andronachi, MP Dumitru Diacov.

The list also includes Otilia Drăguțanu, Svetlana Rotundu, Violeta Ivanov, Angel Agache, Vladimir Vitiuc, Igor Vremea, Ruxanda Glavan, Radu Rebeja, Cristina Lesnic, Silvia Radu, Demian Caraseni, Alexandr Cauia, Nina Țurcan, Gabriela Jeleznyi, Nina Sterpu, Tatiana Golban, Maria Condorachi, Maria Kuleshov, Ion Dascăl, Natalia Iepuraș, Svetlana Rusu, Iurie Chiorescu, Ion Cărpineanu and Aliona Chircu.

The list continues with Valeriu Dragnev, Mariana Chiriac, Nicolae Gorban, Polina Cojocaru, Daniela Nedelciuc, Viorel Jardan, Daniel Duminică, Vasile Ursachi, Pavel Ianeț, Aurelia Melnic, Tatiana Lazăr, Sergiu Popovici, Rodica Cucereanu, Boris Foca, Natalia Roșca, Serafim Rogati, Gennady Cucu, Alina Pugacescu and Boris Golovin.

The PDM list consists of 24 women (45%) and 29 men (55%). There is only one woman among the top ten candidates.

According to a press release of the PDM, the candidates for the 51 single-member constituencies were preliminarily discussed with the local organizations and were presented in the meeting of the National Political Council and then approved by the votes of all the Council members. The National Political Council expressed its confidence that the chosen candidates are able to appropriately represent the citizens. The Council requested all the organizations and members of the PDM to fully support the party’s candidates and to maximally mobilize for the upcoming election campaign.