
PDM and PLDM accuse each other of attacks on the press


The Democratic Party (PDM) and the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) accuse each other of attacks on the press. Info-Prim Neo covered this topic today by making public the statements made by Prime Minister Vlad Filat, the head of the Liberal Democratic Party, who referred to an article published by the daily “Timpul” about a meeting that would have taken place between Vlad Filat and the leader of the Communist Party Vladimir Voronin. “Such statements are aimed at manipulating the people. Therefore, I demand publicly that the newspaper provide evidence. The media outlets, even if they support the Democratic Party, must substantiate the disseminated information, not make speculations,” said the Premier. Afterward, the PLDM issued a communiqué on the topic. In the afternoon, the PDM made known its position on the given subject. “The press service of the Democratic Party expresses its surprise at the statements made today by the PLDM, which is groundlessly tying to make us responsible for the information disseminated by the independent publication “Timpul”. It is an attack typical of the leader of this party, who is trying to denigrate the government partners in order to justify the destruction of the AEI and the return of the Communist to power in Moldova. The scandals started by Vlad Filat until now and those prepared against the PDM leaders for the future form part of the same strategy,” reads the communiqué from the PDM’s press service. “The PLDM’s attack on “Timpul” in such conditions is even more cynical. The signs of a new betrayal of the supporters of the Democrats and of our pro-European cause make the independent press criticize the political leaders. Some facts are exaggerated, but there are legal ways of defending the right to image and opinion, to which the politicians can resort. But when a ruling party attacks publicly a newspaper for its materials that are inconvenient to the Prime Minister for example, we witness a kind of authoritative manifestation. It happened so during the government of Voronin, when the journalists were hit with crowbars from behind. But the then authorities swore they respect the freedom of the press…” says the communiqué..