
PD acquaints its candidates with Parliament’s meeting hall


The candidates of the Democrat Party (PD) for MP came together Sunday in the meeting hall of the Parliament, where they received the permits of candidates and the last instructions from the party’s leadership. The PD leader Dumitru Diacov took the place of the Head of Parliament, while MPs Oleg Serebrian and Valentina Buliga sat in the seats of the Deputy Speakers. The PD candidate for Prime Minister Valeriu Bulgari also attended the meeting. Diacov asked his colleagues to work hard on the field so as to insure the PD’s victory in elections. He said that the party aims to form the future government together with the Democratic parties, without Communists. But if the Democratic parties will not have the number of seats needed to elect the President, they will have to carry out talks with the Communists. After the meeting, the PD leader told the reporters that they chose the Parliament’s building symbolically as “some of the candidates have never been in the meeting hall, while the others will not have the possibility of becoming MPs. But we wanted that everybody realized the importance of the moment and I hope that a large part of my colleagues will enter the Parliament and the election platform will be an integral part of the ruling program for 2009,” Dumitru Diacov said. The PD entered the election race with the message “Moldova Deserves More”. In their election program the Democrats promise to exempt investments made in villages from taxes and controls, achieve real economic growth and raise pensions and salaries. The Democratic Party was registered as election runner and will be included in ballots under number 7. The first five candidates on the party’s list are: Dumitru Diacov, first vice president Oleg Serebrian, Oazu Nantoi, Valentina Buliga and Chiril Lucinschi, the son of the former president Petru Lucinschi.