PCRM returned to Parliament to continue political struggle, Vladimir Voronin
The chairman of the Communist Party (PCRM) Vladimir Voronin said the Communist group returned to Parliament in order to continue the political struggle in the interests of democracy and Moldova’s independence. He stressed that they will put forward a package of legislative initiatives aimed at stopping the political catastrophe in the country, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Vladimir Voronin promised the MPs from the ruling alliance that after the early elections, in which the Communists will definitely emerge victorious, all the laws adopted by the AEI will be repealed. He demanded including parliamentary hearings on the freedom of the press in the agenda. This proposal was Wednesday rejected by the Parliament’s Standing Bureau. According to the Communist leader, the freedom of the press is a foundation stone for a democracy, but the AEI is afraid of such questions.
Voronin also said that the AEI does not want the opposition to return to Parliament and the announced intentions to strengthen the political forces are demagogy. “We came to fulfill another duty. In the period of the boycott, society saw that the legislative body and the President are unlawful,” he stated.
Speaker Marian Lupu suggested introducing hearings on the freedom of the press in the agenda of the June 28 and June 29 sittings. His proposal was put to the vote and supported unanimously. The Liberal leader Mihai Ghimpu said he agrees with such hearings, but they should cover the period between 2001 and 2012, not only the year 2011.