PCRM claims Filat paid 30 millions to rectors that entered PLDM
“Filat Government has increased the number of students that pay for studies by 3000. Considering that the average fee for studies is 10.000 lei, this means 30 millions lei, the price for which rectors have entered PLDM”, Communist deputy Igor Dodon has said during a press conference, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Communists have noticed that scholarships in the technical secondary education decreased by 30-100 lei, while the increase of stipends in the higher education system has been canceled. Besides, the study and boarding taxes have risen, even though the conditions remain the same, according to Igor Dodon.
The Communist deputy has mentioned the draft Code of Education, the Prime Minister has boasted about, wasn't approved by the Parliament. Dodon has also spoken about Government's decision to close some education establishments, without finding a solution for the teachers that work there and their pupils.