
Pavel Postica: "Chance" party did not comply with financial discipline


The Central Election Commission requested the Ministry of Justice to dissolve the "Chance" party because the party did not comply with financial discipline, CEC deputy chairman Pavel Postica stated in a program on Radio Moldova station. According to him, the lack of financial transparency of political parties can no longer be tolerated, and "Chance" violated the law on financing political parties, IPN reports.

Pavel Postica explained that, in the campaign prior to the 2023 elections, the "Chance" party received donations of over 3 million lei, but did not present sufficient documents to justify the origin of these funds.

"We asked the party to present detailed information about who the donors are, the lists of donors, their affidavit, that is all the supporting documents on this amount of money. They could not present them. They presented only 70-80% of the lists," explained the CEC deputy chairman.

The request to dissolve the party comes after the party was previously punished with limitation of its activities.

"We are not clear about who the donors are and how real they are," said Pavel Postica.

The CEC deputy chairman noted that the CEC's request comes in the context of authorities' efforts to ensure the transparency of political parties' financing. Earlier, the leader of the "Chance" party Alexei Lungu said that the party submitted the financial reports to the CEC within the deadlines, and that the CEC decision will be challenged in national and international courts.