
Pavel Filip will poll number of votes needed to be voted in


The nominee for premiership Pavel Filip will gain the number of votes needed to become Prime Minister. Such statements were made in the talk show “Reply” on Prime TV channel, IPN reports.

Democratic MP Sergiu Sarbu said that more MPs will vote for Filip besides the 55 who form part of the parliamentary alliance. “It would be nice to have 61 votes and to transmit an encouraging message to society so as to show that the President will be elected in spring and we will not face a new political crisis and there will be stability at least during the next three years,” he stated.

Valeriu Munteanu, deputy chairman of the Liberal Party, is also sure that Pavel Filip will poll the necessary number of votes. “Initially, I thought about the union with Romania, but this is not real now. When we cannot ensure the union, we must lend a hand as it is Russia that will gain as a result of early election. I think that beside the 55 MPs of the alliance, there will be at least five more who will vote for Pavel Filip,” he said.

Violeta Ivanov, of the group of 14 MPs who left the Communist parliamentary group, believes that some of the Communist lawmakers will also vote for Pavel Filip. “A number of colleagues realize the risk of early elections, which would lead to the disappearance of the Republic of Moldova as a state. There will be more than 55 MPs who will vote for the candidate,” she stated.

Liberal-Democratic MP Stefan Creanga, who signed in support of Pavel Filip, called on the other Liberal-Democrats to vote for this candidate. “We hope the other colleagues will realize the risks and will vote,” he said.