
Pavel Filip: First installment of EU assistance could reach Chisinau in June or July


Moldova, by the end of the spring-summer session of Parliament, will fulfill all the required conditions for receiving the three installments of the EU macro-financial assistance worth €100 million, Prime Minister Pavel Filip assured Romanian MEP Victor Bostinaru, who is in Moldova on a visit, IPN reports.

According to the Government’s press service, the first installment could reach Chisinau in June or July. Pavel Filip said the efforts made by the Government during the past two years produce results. The economic growth last year was 4.5% and the positive trend is kept. Exports rose by 20%, with 65% of these going to the European Union. The banking system was strengthened and the fact that Banca Transilvania and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development bought the assets of the commercial bank Victoriabank confirms this.

The officials took stock of the latest developments related to the construction of the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline. The Premier approved of the pace of works, noting the gas pipeline will become operational by the middle of 2019.

For his part, Victor Bostinaru welcomed the efforts made by the Government and the achieved results, encouraging the Moldovan authorities to continue implementing the reform agenda.