
Pavel Filip demands that Russia withdraw its military troops from Moldova


Prime Minister Pavel Filip, delivering a speech at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly on September 28, demanded that the Russian Federation should withdraw its troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova. He also referred to the military exercises conducted by the Operational Group of Russian Forces that are illegally stationed in Moldova, together with the unconstitutional paramilitary bodies, IPN reports, quoting the Government’s press service.

Pavel Filip called once again on the Russian Federation to unconditionally and immediately restart the process of withdrawing the military troops and armament, in accordance with the commitments assumed at the OSCE Summit of 1999, the international law and the UN Charter.

Pavel Filip thanked the states that several months ago voted to adopt the UN resolution on the withdrawal of the foreign military forces from Moldova’s territory. He welcomed the adding of a new point entitled “Withdrawal of the foreign military forces from the territory of the Republic of Moldova” to the agenda of the current session of the UN General Assembly as this means the subject will remain in the focus of the international community.

According to the Premier, the complete withdrawal of the military forces will favor the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and the reintegration of the country. “Despite the difficulties that impede the settlement process, the Moldovan authorities are determined to identify, in the “5+2” format of the talks, a political solution to this extended conflict generated in Moldova’s eastern region from outside,” he noted.

Pavel Filip gave a speech from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly for the third time. Moldova became a member of the United Nations on March 2, 1992.