
Patronymic will not be written in identification papers


Only the name and surname of the person will continue being written in identification papers. The Cabinet rejected a bill with relevant amendments proposed by a group of MPs, IPN reports.

According to the authors of the legislative initiative, the introduction of the patronymic would ensure the observance of the rights of ethnic minorities for which the use of the patronymic is traditional.

At the same time, the Ministry of the Interior considers the introduction in the identification papers of a new space will create confusion as the patronymic of the persons of Russian origin and of those of Moldovan origin will be written differently (Ion and Ivanovich). Therefore, dissatisfaction could appear among the holders of identification papers. On the other hand, the onomastic formula of the Moldovans consists of the name and surname and this is also a millennium-long tradition.

A number of Constitutional Court judgments and amendments to the National Law provide that the civil status documents and mentions are written in the official language. So, the patronymic is not written in civil status documents. Besides, the civil status documents of the second generation issued now meet the European standards.