
Patronates Change Their Mind about Increasing Salaries in the Non-Budgetary Sector


The Patronates will not increase the tariff salary of the first wage category for the employees from the non-budgetry sector, as it was established previously at a recent tripartite negotiation - Govern-Patronates-Syndicates. The vice-president of the Free Syndicates’ Confederation “Solidaritatea”, Oleg Budza, declared for Info-Prim Neo that the Patronates, even if previously agreed to raise starting with May 1 the tariff salaries for the 550-650 lei wage category, informed recently the social partners that the increase will be possible only after July 1. According to Budza, because the Patronates did not respect their own promise, the syndicates will “categorically insist” that starting July 1 the tariff wage to be increased to 750 lei. According to the quoted source, this salary has been initially proposed by the syndicates, but the suggestion was not accepted at negotiations. At the same time, Budza mentioned that in case Patronates will refuse to operate the increase of the tariff salary to 750 lei, the syndicates will advise the employees to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. He explained his statements by the fact that even if guarantying normal life conditions is stipulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, these are not ensured, inclusively because the tariff wage is not even amounting to the existence minimum of 850 lei. Oleg Budza says that if Patronates will disregard Unions’ grievances, the syndicates will proceed to organizing protests.