
Passion of Jesus presented in sculpture exhibition mounted in Chisinau


The Passion of Jesus Crist and the Resurrection are presented in a tactile sculpture exhibition entitled “Cross Road”. It was mounted by the Embassy of Italy in the Republic of Moldova in cooperation with the Association “Italy-Moldova”. The 15 works were made from olive wood that enables to obtain so delicate levigation that the wood looks like marble, said master Cosimo Damiano Latorre, the author of the exhibits that were brought from Italy. The master invites all the visitors to close the eyes and touch each sculpture with the hand so as to discover sensations that cannot be seen with the eyes, IPN reports.

Cosimo Damiano Latorre noted that the sculptures show the road covered by Jesus since his conviction up to his death. He also added the Resurrection moment as, if Jesus hadn’t died, his rebirth wouldn’t have had any sense. The last sculpture of the collection shows the hands of Jesus Christ who returned to life and holds the hands of a small child, which symbolizes the reviving man. The exhibition fully satisfies the central theme of the Week of the Italian Language in the World this year – sustainability – the sculptures being made from olive wood that is associated with marble. The persons with visual impairments can also visit the exhibition as a wooden bar placed on the floor will guide them through the tables to touch the sculptures.

Italy’s Ambassador to Moldova Lorenzo Tomassoni said this exhibition does not only bring the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church closer, but also conveyes a peace message as the sculptures are made from olive wood, while the olive branch symbolizes peace. This is an important message, especially at present, when a brutal war is going on next to Moldova’s border and a conflict is also witnessed in the Middle East. There is a close connection between Moldova and Italy as regards the religion, the Latin language, the common values, such as love for the family.

Petru Vicol, director general of the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History, which hosts the exhibition, said the “Cross Road” is a unique, special event not only for the Museum, but for the whole Republic of Moldova. This is an extraordinarily beautiful exhibition in terms of esthetics and its message. As the exhibition is accessible to persons with visual impairments, more people can come and familiarize themselves with the sculptures.

The exhibition can be visited by October 30. In the period, the author of the exhibition invites all the visitors to formulate their opinion on the sculptures by leaving a message in the Book of Impressions. The event is organized as part of the Week of the Italian Language in the World to promote the Italian culture in Moldova.